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High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease

High blood pressure or hypertension can be both a cause and result of kidney disease. When the kidneys can no longer function properly, wastes and excess fluids build up in the body. The extra fluids in the body cause blood pressure to increase. When blood pressure increases the heart must work harder to pump blood through the body. This extra work can damage blood vessels all over the body, including those in the kidneys. If there is already some kidney damage, high blood pressure will damage them even more, leading to more fluid build up in the body.

High levels of sodium and cholesterol will also affect blood pressure. High blood pressure is the second leading cause of End Stage Renal Disease, responsible for more than 15,000 cases of ESRD per year. Typically, high blood pressure is a condition that tends to develop more in white males and male and female African Americans.

Treating high blood pressure is a key component of treating kidney disease. Most forms of kidney disease cause high blood pressure and high blood pressure in turn damages the kidneys. High blood pressure will likely lead to End Stage Renal Disease. Treatments for high blood pressure include the use of blood-pressure controlling drugs:
- ACE (angiotensin converting enzymes) inhibitors
- Diuretics
- Calcium channel blockers

Treatment also includes a change in diet by limiting:
- Sodium
- Alcohol
- Cholesterol
- Proteins
- Fluids
- Potassium

Please consult a medical professional to determine a diet best for you.