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End Stage Renal Disease

When kidney function has deteriorated to 10 to 15% of normal, the care recipient is said to have End Stage Renal Disease. Kidneys filter wastes, balance fluids, provide key hormones and regulate important chemicals like calcium. When this ability is lost, death follows, if appropriate treatments are not initiated.

Nearly 2/3 of all cases of ESRD are caused by diabetes and high blood pressure.  Glomerulonephritis accounts for about 10% of ESRD. Approximately 4 out of 10,000 people have ESRD. It can take 10 to 20 years for ESRD to develop from chronic (long-term) kidney failure. Individuals diagnosed with ESRD need dialysis or transplantation to replace kidney function.

The kidneys of a person with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) are no longer able to function on their own. Most kidney diseases eventually progress to ESRD. Dialysis or transplantation is needed to replace the lost kidney function.